Welcome to Mathematica Arcana! In this game, you play as a warrior of the Shape Kingdom, valiantly defending the secret maths of shapehood from the evil army of Amorphous Blobs.

You begin as a triangle! Using your spin attack, you must defend the pieces of the central Dodecagram from being stolen by the attacking blobs.

If a blob steals a piece of the Dodecagram, you must kill them before they leave the arena and retrieve the piece!
Killing blobs will also cause coins to drop.

As you earn coins, you can transform into other shapes by accessing the shop!
To get to the shop, hover over your coin total, and select the next shape you want to buy.
Shape prices are listed, but will increase with each transformation!

This is the square, with its powerful dash attack! You can also become a hexagon, which shoots spears in all directions!
Experiment with all of the shapes to see how many waves you can make it through!
But be careful - the blobs will change their behavior each time you change!

Good luck!